Lauren Nelson is the new Miss America. As for me, I think she would make a great presidential candidate for 08. She certainly has the looks and is probably smarter than the others in the field. I wish the Republicans would try and sign her up, they sure need someone who looks good.
She also brought to mind a way that we may better determine the next president. The election is always so close and controversial we probably should abandon leaving it to the people or the Supreme Court. Why not select the president like the American Idol. That seems to be pretty popular now days. We could have a panel of three judges. To allow diversity, I would suggest Jesse Jackson, Rush Limbaugh and Drew Carey. Drew claims to be a neutral fellow who could provide a balance for the other two and he runs a show that plays out various scenarios. The candidate could be ask to respond to a scenario of how they would end the war in Iraq or how they would provide universal health care. The whole thing could be televised and it would be fun for everyone to watch. Why not make a circus out of the whole process because that is what it seems to be anyway?
As for me, Miss Oklahoma has my vote for now.