Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thank God!!!! Paris Hilton is out of jail. She was released from the Los Angeles County Jail last night after a much publicized three-week stay. She departed with a smile, wearing a sage jacket with white trim over a white shirt and skinny jeans. She is to appear on Larry King Live Wednesday night and give the world the low down on her incarceration. I am sure we will hear about how she found the Lord and also about how bad the food is in jail. She will be able to skip rehab because she found Jesus and has done her time.
I’m just glad she is out. Now maybe we can get back to hearing about the various murders around the country, the immigration bill, and the roadside bombings in Iraq. I had lost track of the body count in Iraq while Paris was in jail.
As for me, I’m staying home with the TV turned off. I can only stand to stay nauseated for so long and hearing non-stop about Paris is enough to make anyone throw up.


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