Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I don’t watch the American Music Awards because I don’t appreciate what is now called music. Fortunately, I am completely out of touch with today’s music and most other things in our mixed up world. At this year’s awards ceremony, the rock star Adam Lambert shook things up with his homosexually explicit performance. His scheduled appearance on “Good Morning America” was cancelled because they couldn’t trust what he would do. He did make it onto the lower rated “Early Show.” I’m proud of “Good Morning America.”

There were a couple of encouraging things in the entertainment world this week. Taylor Swift won the main award at the American Music Awards. I even like her stuff and she seems like a wholesome, sweet girls who is very talented and writes much of her own music. I just hope she remains that way rather than becoming a dope, crazed freak with sunglasses. The other positive happening was that Donny Osmond won the top award on “Dancing With the Stars.” Maybe there is some hope for the entertainment world and for me.

My world of music died long ago with Elvis and The Beatles. I must admit that through the years I have come to like some of the Beatles songs and also some of Elvis. I generally hate rock music and I don’t even like the church music anymore. They no longer use hymnals in church. The words are projected on a screen and it’s the same verses over and over with ear shattering accompaniment.

I love my iPod because I have filled it with my easy listening stuff and selected classical pieces. I even have a little country western. This is what I listen to on the porch. The music is very relaxing and I figure the deer must like it also because a lot of them are attracted to the porch when it’s playing. Now that I think about it, I may play a little Adam Lambert and other trash rock stuff. That should scare the deer away and may be the best deterrent yet.


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