Friday, December 28, 2007

I write this blog just because I enjoy keeping a little journal about the insanity which surrounds me. As the year ends, it seems appropriate to review the insanity of 07. I read through the blogs again and summarized the most insane and notable events of the year.

The antics of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears top the list. Britney shaving her head had to be the most pitifully, stupid act of the year. Of course the death and autopsy report of Anna Nicole Smith was a top story and we were held in suspense for weeks awaiting the results of the DNA test to reveal the real father of her child. The scientific marvel of the year was that the babies DNA matched that of numerous fathers. The single egg of Anna Nicole must have been fertilized simultaneously by at least a dozen sperms from different subjects. This is almost as much of a miracle as a virgin birth.

The airport toilet, homosexual scandal of Senator Larry Craig was a great story for weeks. We learned a lot about how homosexuals communicate. We finally got some relief from this when O.J. Simpson attempted an armed robbery to recover some of his football stuff and other personal belongings. This time he was carrying a gun rather than a knife. There were numerous witnesses to the event, but all this will make little difference to O.J. in the court. He will go free to strike again.

There were many great books. I wrote about several of these. Most notable was the final chapter in the Harry Potter saga. All the Potter books were great and I was even happy with the ending in the final volume, so the year wasn’t entirely bad.

More somber news items were the Virginia Tech shooting, the Iraq War and the price of gasoline. China continued, over and over, to poison our kids with toys containing lead based paint. Over the counter cold medicines were taken off the market so parents wouldn’t kill their own kids. There were numerous stories about child molesters. Everyone is trying to kill the kids.

Prophets always make predictions at the end of the year for bad things that will be happening in the coming year. Our most famous prophet today is the TV evangelist Pat Robertson. So far he is never right. He predicted that a terrible tsunami would hit the Pacific Coast in 2006. For 2007 he predicated that we would have a terrorist attack in the US that would kill millions. He also claims that he can leg press 2000 pounds. How can this guy stay on the air? The only preacher to top Pat was the son of Oral Roberts, President of the college with the same name. Oral Jr. was a lavish spender with the Universities funds. Poor students and believers footed the bill for his vacation trips and the expensive taste of his family.

The greatest event of the year was my retirement. I am out of the main stream of insanity. It’s great to just sit on the porch and observe what is happening. I’m too frightened to venture away from my fortress of solitude, so I will just record the events in my little Cyberspace journal.


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