I have been involved with the Texas A&M College of Medicine since it began. The first class graduated in 1977. It has been a big part of my professional life and one if my sons graduated from the school. I have always hoped they would gain national prominence. So far, we have had no Nobel Prize winners and no earthshaking discoveries. This past week a great discovery was made, not by the medical school but by another department in the main University. This discovery may give International recognition to the University and maybe, even to the medical school by association.
The Texas A&M Fruit & Vegetable Improvement Center has discovered the miraculous medicinal uses of Watermelon. A slice of watermelon may have the same effect as a dose of Viagra. Watermelon contains citrulline that reacts with a body enzyme and is converted to arginine. Arginine boosts nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels and has many benefits to the body. One of the major benefits is to help with erectile dysfunction with a similar action to that of Viagra. It also has several other less beneficial effects on things like the cardiovascular system. It helps angina, high blood pressure and numerous other cardiovascular problems. The bottom line is that A&M has discovered a miracle drug in a slice of watermelon.
I have always been afraid that Aggie Medicine would lead to things like appendix and tonsil transplants. The watermelon development has certainly made the University proud and this deserves consideration for a Nobel Prize. At last we are on the map for a great medical discovery.
This discovery may change my future gardening plans. I am considering putting an electrified fence around the lot behind my house. This will serve as my major deer deterrent. I can then turn this lot into a very large garden. With my expertise in raising tomatoes, this of course, will have to be a major part of future crops. The other major crop of the future will now be watermelon. I figure watermelon is going to be in great demand. I will keep a few for myself, although I am now beyond the help of this miracle fruit.
The watermelon and tomatoes should be a great supplement to my retirement income, especially in these hard economic times. As social security dries up, watermelon and tomatoes will have to takes its place. All this is going to be great because the back lot is in direct view of my porch.
I’m proud of A&M and I salute them with a big slice of watermelon.
It looks like the future could be shaping up nicely for you, Doc. As soon as Obama is elected there will be long lines for free health care, free gasoline, free chickens and free pots for the chickens, etc. etc. You can simply set up a watermelon/tomato stand beside the lines and make a fortune.
The only catch is..do you think they will socialize tomatos and watermelons and you would only get a government subsidy and no more? I, for one, and looking forward to Obama so there will be no more tax returns, no more estate planning or any tax problems of any kind as all of us will be equal. Then I can move to Santa Fe and impersonate a Native American and sell fake jewelry and stumps, rocks or anything else with the likeness of Jesus or the Virgin Mary on them and live happily ever after on my government check.......
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